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Ernest Thompson Seton. Two Little Savages

Ernest Thompson Seton
Two Little Savages / Ernest Thompson Seton. Kyiv : Znannia, 2018. — 414 p. — (American Library).

ISBN 978-617-07-0585-3

The tale “Two Little Savages” by the Canadian writer of note and an animal painter Ernest Thompson Seton (1860—1946) is an exciting and informative book about the enigmatic world of animals and birds. The main hero of the tale, a boy Yan, is attracted by the laws and mysteries of the wild nature. Once he happened to have an opportunity to spend summer in the wood together with his friend. The boys pretend to be Indians, live according to their laws and become real pathfinders and hunters. The life close to nature is full of incredible adventures and bestows upon the heroes unforgettable impressions.

Номер стенду: Галерея №038, палатка №45

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