Зарубіжна художня література

Bram Stoker. Dracula

Stoker, Bram
Dracula / Bram Stoker. — Кyiv : Znannia, 2018.?— 478 p. — (English Library).
ISBN 978-617-07-0617-1

Having taken the legends of the peoples of the world as a basis of his narration and wrapping it in the atmosphere of Victorian England, Bram Stoker (1847—1912) in his novel “Dracula” creates his own myth which will later give a good start to all modern works about romanticised vampires. The book is written in the form of diary notes, newspaper articles, and letters, and, in this way, it proposes the reader several views of the situation, and the intimacy with which the heroes share their feelings and emotions cannot but leave anybody indifferent.

Номер стенду: Галерея №038, палатка №49

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