Зарубіжна художня література

William Shakespeare. Much Ado About Nothing

Shakespeare, William. Much Ado About Nothing ; Th e Comedy of Errors / William Shakespeare. — Kyiv : Znannia, 2018. — 223 p. — (English Library). ISBN 978-617-07-0555-6


The comedies by William Shakespeare (1564—1616), the most famous English playwright, already for almost over four centuries thrill the readers and have a successful run on the stages of the best theatres of the world. Due to the astute generalizations and eternal problems brought up by the author, the representatives of different generations have recognized themselves and do that nowadays. The plays “Much Ado About Nothing” and “The Comedy of Errors” thanks to their vivid dialogues and the quick change of events immerse you into the happy-go-lucky world where the intrigues are carried on and incredible encounters occur; and only in one day it is possible to lose and find your love and completely change your fate.

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